HackTok Download Page

Table of Content:
1. Terms & Conditions
2. Troubleshoots
3. Download HackTok App

Terms & Conditions:

By downloading HackTok App , you are accepting this terms of service policy below.
This policy is created to protect us (authors of the app and website) from illegal activities which can be performed by usage of our software.

You promise to use HackTok tool for the following activities only:

  • 1. To retrieve access to your own TikTok account, which may have been compromised due to hacking or by your own fault (forgetting a password).
  • 2. As a parental control solution, to monitor a TikTok account of your minor child in purpose to protect them from online abuse.

In addition, you also agree not to use HackTok software for any purpose that it is not intended for, such as:

  • 1. Hack into other users TikTok accounts without their knowledge (prior permission).
  • 2. Abuse or threaten any person from hacked TikTok profile.
  • 3. Make access into abandoned / unused TikTok accounts in goal to spread spam messages or malware to other users.

Troubleshoots which may appear for some users:

Microsoft Windows:
Users who have older versions of Windows: “XP SP2” & before ones may get errors when running HackTok if they didn’t install Microsoft’s .NET Framework. The problem is easily fixable by installing NET Framework.

Download HackTok App:

Notice: The first launched version we had listed here before (“V.1 – Beta“) has been closed from further updates and will no longer be functional.
Please download the final version by hitting the button below.

OS OS Supported: Windows, macOS, Android (Apk), iOS (iPhone / iPad)
(Jailbreak is not required for iOS device)

Time Latest App Update: December 18th, 2024.
Good Status: Working